5. Importing classes

Importing classes is a very important but very tricky feature in WitcherScript. The problem is that you will have conflicts if you import a class multiple times so its recommended to use the SharedImports: https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/mods/2110? mod to resolve these.

5.1. Importing a class and using it in a Script

  • Run the game with -dumprtti and it will generate an xml file called rttidump.xml
  • Create a ws file and inside that follow the guidance of the xml.


import class CParticleSystem extends CResource
    import var previewBackgroundColor : Color;
    import var previewShowGrid : Bool;
    import var visibleThroughWalls : Bool;
    import var prewarmingTime : Float;
    import var autoHideDistance : Float;
    import var autoHideRange : Float;
    import var renderingPlane : ERenderingPlane;

After that you can use it like so:

exec function w2p()
    var particle : CParticleSystem;
    particle = ( CParticleSystem )LoadResource(  "characters\models\common\special\demon_horse\flies.w2p", true );
    theGame.GetGuiManager().ShowNotification("Loaded: characters\models\common\special\demon_horse\flies.w2p" + "<br>" +
     "renderingPlane: " + particle.renderingPlane + "<br>" +
     "previewBackgroundColor: " + "<br>" +
     "   Red:" + particle.previewBackgroundColor.Red + "<br>" +
     "   Green:" + particle.previewBackgroundColor.Green + "<br>" +
     "   Blue:" + particle.previewBackgroundColor.Blue + "<br>" +
     "   Alpha:" + particle.previewBackgroundColor.Alpha + "<br>" +
     "previewShowGrid: " + particle.previewShowGrid  + "<br>" +
     "visibleThroughWalls: " + particle.visibleThroughWalls  + "<br>" +
     "prewarmingTime: " + particle.prewarmingTime  + "<br>" +
     "autoHideDistance: " + particle.autoHideDistance  + "<br>" +
     "autoHideRange: " + particle.autoHideRange  + "<br>" +
     "renderingPlane: " + particle.renderingPlane);